
FlexLogin was conceived and initially designed for use in dental practices.

Dental practices already working with FlexLogin are very pleased with it.

Practical benefits of FlexLogin

Cards and card-readers are hygienic.

Workstations can still be shared, but now safely.

Programs running in the background will continue to run after locking.

Logging in or out of external applications (for example Exquisite) can be done with the help of FlexLogin.

Logs when employees use computers within your company.

Flexible login methods.


As a dentist you probably recognize this situation: Workstations in the dental office are often logged in with generic accounts (e.g. desk 1, treatment room 1 etc.) with passwords that are known to all employees. If someone walks away from the computer, they usually remain open unattended. In fact, users must be logged in with personal accounts, but that is too much effort as it takes too much time.

Consequence: Poorly protected workstations and barely a record of which employee had access to the patient data, let alone who changed that data. Previously, that was not such a problem, but with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPG) we have to take these things more seriously.


FlexLogin adds an extra layer of security to the workstations and blocks the entire system as long as there is no identification (e.g. a card) present. As soon as an employee presents his card and personal pin code, the computer immediately unlocks and the open applications can be used again. In a log is registered which employees use the workstations within your company. When you remove the card, the screen, keyboard and mouse are locked again. The user is therefore still logged in with a generic Windows account, but has also received a personal layer of security.

Free trial!

Do you wish to try FlexLogin? We offer free access for one employee. FlexLogin works with all standard NFC card readers and corresponding cards. These card readers and cards can be purchased in our web shop.